kenapa dgn diri aku nie
sejak dua menjak nie
asyd lemau je
xmau gerak
xde mood
tapi psm tetap jalan slow
time nk g blk sv tu y malas
sbb kn duk kt bilik dia
xleh buat bising
xde prive-c
dh le xleh buat sama2 dgn shida
sedih nye
buat sorang2 mcm buat kt bilik je
sedih xmcm org lain
ada y dh siap
ada y dsediakan tempat
boleh concentrate
tapi aku rasa worse giler
ak tetap bsyukur dgn ape y aku ada
tp ak marah kt diri sendiri
knp le nk malas sgt
hanye beberapa bulan je lagi
bulan january dh nk habis
tapi aku xgerak lagi ke part y lagi susah
rasa tertekan
sampai xtau nk buat pe dulu
ak sedar tapi aku hilang tumpuan
umpama hidup tapi koma
boleh tau pkembangan tapi xleh nk buat pe2
huhuhuhuuhu ...:(
dh le xtau nk mgadu kt sape
sume org mctu gak klu kira
xreti nk buat psm
dan aku tak terkecuali
seram sejuk je
dimana mood
aku memerlukan skongan
*xtau nk rasa mcne lagi*
i HOPE for D & G..
Monday, January 17, 2011
Saturday, January 15, 2011
saat dh tamat
tepat jam kul5pm
saat y djanjikan
aku xdapat hadir
segalanye dh berlalu
dgn ini
aku kn usha keje lain
target mesti dapat keje
sblm habis sem
saat y djanjikan
aku xdapat hadir
segalanye dh berlalu
dgn ini
aku kn usha keje lain
target mesti dapat keje
sblm habis sem
first luck interview job
bukan nk percaya sgt
tapi enth lah
dulu ada le sorang nie
dia tgk tgn aku
dan dia cakap
alahai, bertuah nye budak
aku akan dapat tuah pd thn 2011 nie
betul kot
awal2 tahun dh ada inteview job
hr tu just cari2 je
ingt xdapat
bertuah nye budak nie
saje je cari sbb fik duk risau xde keje
dan tbukti im interested person
akademic xde lah dekan
so, sure bdk dekan pasti dapat keje lagi best dari aku kan
dan malang nye,
aku terpaksa x hadir interview
bukan takut
tapi kekangan masa
interview buat kt kuantan
hari nie 15hb kul 5 pm
dh set masa dah
semalam aku dlm dilema
klu aku g, sure boleh ker?
aku xusaha mcne nk dapat
serba salah nie
org cakap sekali tolak tuah
nnti tuah susah nk datang lagi
doa2 moga aku masih dberi peluang ekk
cuak nye, takut nye
insayaallah, pasti ada rezeki utk aku..
tapi enth lah
dulu ada le sorang nie
dia tgk tgn aku
dan dia cakap
alahai, bertuah nye budak
aku akan dapat tuah pd thn 2011 nie
betul kot
awal2 tahun dh ada inteview job
hr tu just cari2 je
ingt xdapat
bertuah nye budak nie
saje je cari sbb fik duk risau xde keje
dan tbukti im interested person
akademic xde lah dekan
so, sure bdk dekan pasti dapat keje lagi best dari aku kan
dan malang nye,
aku terpaksa x hadir interview
bukan takut
tapi kekangan masa
interview buat kt kuantan
hari nie 15hb kul 5 pm
dh set masa dah
semalam aku dlm dilema
klu aku g, sure boleh ker?
aku xusaha mcne nk dapat
serba salah nie
org cakap sekali tolak tuah
nnti tuah susah nk datang lagi
doa2 moga aku masih dberi peluang ekk
cuak nye, takut nye
insayaallah, pasti ada rezeki utk aku..
Friday, January 14, 2011
sakit kepala myerang lagi
salam semua,
hari nie hari ketiga aku mderita sakit kepala
enth lah
nk kata migrain xsure plak
xnah g check doctor
sbb sebelum nie,
xde lah sampai mcni
biasanye aku muntah2 pastu makan panadol tido
esk bgn terus ok
tapi kali nie dh 3hari xkurang sakitnye
rasa mcm ada pressure je dalam kepala
mcm ada tekanan je
org sakit barah otak tu mcte symptom nye??
ada x sakit mcni??
ak takut nk g check
tapi klu lama2 boleh meletup otak aku
sakit giler
terasa semua saraf bergegar2
nk nangis je rasanye
setiap kali sakit kepala
pasti aku akan muntah sehinnga hijau
sehingga keluar semua isi perut
even minum air pon kuar air gak
ak sakit nie sejak dari form5 agi
dlm seminggu ada lh sekali aku mcni
kdg2 2kali seminggu
nk kata aku stress
sem nie xbyk kls
eximent pon xde agi
psm ok je
aku takut aku ada pyakit lain
ada jawapan x utk sakit aku nie??
hari nie hari ketiga aku mderita sakit kepala
enth lah
nk kata migrain xsure plak
xnah g check doctor
sbb sebelum nie,
xde lah sampai mcni
biasanye aku muntah2 pastu makan panadol tido
esk bgn terus ok
tapi kali nie dh 3hari xkurang sakitnye
rasa mcm ada pressure je dalam kepala
mcm ada tekanan je
org sakit barah otak tu mcte symptom nye??
ada x sakit mcni??
ak takut nk g check
tapi klu lama2 boleh meletup otak aku
sakit giler
terasa semua saraf bergegar2
nk nangis je rasanye
setiap kali sakit kepala
pasti aku akan muntah sehinnga hijau
sehingga keluar semua isi perut
even minum air pon kuar air gak
ak sakit nie sejak dari form5 agi
dlm seminggu ada lh sekali aku mcni
kdg2 2kali seminggu
nk kata aku stress
sem nie xbyk kls
eximent pon xde agi
psm ok je
aku takut aku ada pyakit lain
ada jawapan x utk sakit aku nie??
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
One Step Closer to the Maxis Om Nom Nom Race
super cool lah
i wanna join

share that the challenge will involve the iPhone 4, the Finder301 application and Wireless Broadband, all available through Maxis.
Deadline for submissions is 5 pm, 12 January 2011 (Wednesday) so hurry, Maxis Angels! Be a part of the first Amazing Race Malaysia style – food challenge and win fantastic prizes!
Find out more here:
Maxis Finder301 Application:
This location-based app provides you with information on food, restaurants, ATMs, banks, clinics, police stations and more around you.
If you’re a foodie, then you’ll love the food listings. FINDER301 has the largest food listings in Malaysia, and it’ll help you find great food around you. Get phone numbers, addresses, food reviews and even a map to help you get there.
Plus, sign up to be a FINDER301 contributor & you’ll be able to share your comments on the food places you’ve been to.
Find out more here:
The Maxis Om Nom Nom Race – Details and Terms & Conditions:
1. 60 bloggers with the best entries will be selected for the race. All will be teamed up in 15 teams of 4.
NOTE: You may choose to apply in a team of 4 if you have already chosen your own team members OR you can apply as individuals – where Nuffnang will pair you up with other individuals. Please indicate your preference in your blog post)
2. You are to come up with your own team name (One agreed by all team members).
3. Maxis Angels will be given top priority (login to Nuffnang account, click Evangelist, pick Maxis)
4. Each of the 15 teams will be equipped with an iPhone 4 (with finder301 and GPS applications installed), a laptop and Maxis wireless broadband modem to assist in their tasks.
5. There is a requirement of 1 car per team for travelling purposes to each location, The chosen team member to drive must provide a valid driving license.
6. Please arrange for 1 umbrella for each of your teams in case it rains.
7. All teams will be briefed at the starting point (Modesto’s CapSquare) on the day’s events.
8. At the starting point and each location, each team will receive an envelope of clues and instructions on how to find their next location. The iPhone 4 GPS and Finder301 applications will be instrumental to finding these locations. Riddles will also have to be solved.
9. Once at a correct location, there will be Maxis Om Nom Nom Race “marshals” ready to assist. They will point you to your assigned table and you will be served some of the venue’s best dishes. Upon sampling these dishes you are to then write a blog review on the restaurant and its dishes (with the laptop and maxis wireless broadband modem provided) . You must include “The Maxis Om Nom Nom Race” within the title of your post.
NOTE: It is up to your team to decide whose blog you will post the review on. But each team member must post up at least one review in the entire race. You can post up the same review on more than one team member’s blog.
10. Only after you have successfully posted your blog post and shown it to one of the Marshals, can you then be given the envelope to the next set of clues and location.
11. Winners are determined on a POINTS basis:
a) The less time you take, the more points you gain
b) The higher the quality of your blog review, the more points you gain
c) For bonus points, post each review on all 4 team members’ blogs.
d) For extra bonus points, tweet and update your facebook status on your Maxis Om Nom Nom Race activities and blog reviews.
e) There will be 5 main locations for the hunt. There will be a specific timeframe for each location (e.g. 11am – 12noon : Location 2) . If you do not arrive at a location in time, points will be deducted.
a) The less time you take, the more points you gain
b) The higher the quality of your blog review, the more points you gain
c) For bonus points, post each review on all 4 team members’ blogs.
d) For extra bonus points, tweet and update your facebook status on your Maxis Om Nom Nom Race activities and blog reviews.
e) There will be 5 main locations for the hunt. There will be a specific timeframe for each location (e.g. 11am – 12noon : Location 2) . If you do not arrive at a location in time, points will be deducted.
13. You do NOT need to attempt all 5 locations (if time does not allow it) but the more venues you cover the more points you can gain!
14. There will be a fun game challenge at the end of the Race for you to win extra prizes!
15. There will be a closing party/award ceremony around 7pm to celebrate the efforts of all 60 bloggers.
16. Announcement of the chosen bloggers will take place on 13th January along with the announcement of fellow team members.
17. Only bloggers who have submitted an entry and are selected for this event contest- are entitled to win prizes. If a team of chosen bloggers wishes to recruit a friend or fellow external blogger in this event, that new team member will not be entitled to any prizes.
16. Contest Period: 4th Jan – 12th Jan 2011Note: if you are selected and are unable to attend on the 13th January, please inform the Nuffnang Helpdesk ASAP no later than 12noon on 12th January so that rearrangements can be made.
Sign up as a Maxis Angel now to get first priority on more exciting promotions and contests like these to come.
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